Democratic By-Laws

(Adopted March, 1970 pursuant to Title. 19:5-3 of the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey and Amended June 1991 and Amended March 23rd, 2024)


Section 1. ELECTED MEMBERSHIP: The County Committee shall be composed of two members elected every 4 years, at the Primary Election held on Presidential Election years by the Democratic voters of each election district of the County.

Section 2. TERMS OF OFFICE: Pursuant to statute, the members of the County Committee shall take office on the first Saturday following their election certification, on which day the terms of all members of such Committee theretofore elected shall terminate.

Section 3. FILLING OF VACANCIES: Pursuant to statute, a vacancy in the office of a member of the County Committee shall be filled by the Municipal Committee of the municipality wherein the vacancy occurs.

Section 4. HONORARY MEMBERS: The following elected or appointed officials, Democrats resident of Salem County, shall be honorary members of the County Committee, with all the rights and privileges of membership, except the right to vote and unless otherwise provided for in these By-Laws:
(a) All of officers of the County Committee;
(b) The Democratic State Committee Members;
(c) The chair of all standing committees of the County Committee;
(d) The presidents of regular Municipal Democratic Clubs in Salem County;
(e) Any elected or appointed Democratic National and State Officials;
Nothing herein, however, shall be interpreted to deny the right to vote to such elected or appointed official, who also is a duly elected member of the County Committee.


Section 1. QUALIFICATION OF OFFICERS: Any Democrat resident of the County of Salem, shall be eligible to hold any office, whether or not he or she is a member of this Committee; provided, however that the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer shall be from different municipalities.

Section 2. ELECTION OF THE CHAIR, VICE-CHAIR, SECRETARY AND TREASURER: The Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected every 4 years at the Re-Organizational meeting of the County Committee, held after the Primary Election on Presidential Election years.

Section 3. TERMS OF OFFICE: All officers shall hold office until their successors are duly elected or appointed.

Section 4. APPOINTIVE OFFICERS: The Chair, shall so soon as may be conveniently possible after election appoint the following officers:

(a) Legal Counsel
(b) Assistant Vice Chairs
(c) Sergeant at Arms

Section 5. FILLING OF VACANCIES: Vacancies in any office shall be filled by the County Committee at its next succeeding meeting, in the manner hereinafter provided for the regular election of officers,

offices shall be nominated by:
a) The Executive Committee, as hereinafter provided, or   
b) From the floor by any ten elected members of the County Committee from at least five different municipalities.

Section 7. METHOD OF ELECTION: Election shall be held as follows;
a) If there is no contest for Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary or Treasurer, election shall be held by voice vote;
b) If there is a contest for any office, election for that office shall he by secret ballot;
c) In the event of a contest for any office, the candidate receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared elected for that office.

a) Paper ballots shall be distributed to the voting membership at the meeting and the membership shall fill in the name of their individual choice for such office as may be in contest.
b) Each candidate for office for which there is a contest may select one teller to assist in the tally of the vote with candidates for such office entitled to select the same tellers if they so choose;
c) The Secretary, assisted by said tellers, shall conduct the election, Each member entitled to vote shall file before the Secretary and tellers and upon showing his or her credentials and having it collected by the Secretary or tellers, shall deposit his or her ballot in a box provided for that purpose by the Secretary;
d) Each member must cast his or her own ballot and may not delegate this right to anyone else. No member shall be permitted to vote unless he or she presents his or her certificate of election or a statement, signed by his or her Municipal Chair and his Municipal Secretary, that he or she is a duly elected member of the County Committee
e) After each member entitled to vote has done so, the Secretary, assisted by the tellers, shall tally the ballots and announce the name of the candidate who has received the largest number of votes for such contested office.


Section 1. CHAIR: The Chair shall:
a) Preside at all meetings of the County Committee and of the Executive Committee;
b) Appoint the Chair of all standing committees and be responsible to the County Committee for the faithful performance of their duties;
c) Serve as a member ex officio of all standing committees ;
d) Faithfully execute the decisions of the County Committee;
e) Together with the Treasurer, sign all vouchers for payment;
f) In his discretion appoint Secretary and Treasurer notwithstanding Article II Sec. 2.

Section 2. VICE-CHAIR: The Vice-Chair shall
a) Assist the Chair upon request in the performance of duties; and
b) In the absence of the Chair, preside at meetings of the county Committee or of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. ASSISTANT VICE-CHAIR: Assistant Vice-Chair shall aid the Chair and Vice-Chair in the performance of their duties, upon request of either.

Section 4. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall;
(a) Attend to all matters of correspondence, as may be directed by the Chair, the Executive Committee, or the County Committee; and
(b) Maintain all files and documents of the County Committee
(c) Keep full and correct minutes of the proceedings of the County Committee and of the Executive Committee;
(d) Keep a complete roster of all members of the County Committee and of all Municipal Chairs;
(e) Prepare and mail notices of all meetings of the County Committee and of the Executive Committee,

Section 5. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall;
a) Deposit all funds in his custody and in such banks as the County Committee may designate, subject to the joint order of himself and of the County Chair;
b) Keep full and complete accounts of all monies received and disbursed by them;
c) Prepare and file such financial statements as may be required of the County Committee by law;
d) Render a full detailed financial report, as of April 30 and November 30 of each year to the County Chair, who shall cause the same to be read or made available to the County Committee as a whole at the next regular meeting thereafter.

Section 6.  SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: The Sergeant-at-Arms shall
a) Assist the Chair in maintaining order at all meetings; and
b) Appoint such aids as he may deem necessary to facilitate the discharge of said duty.

Section 7. ADDITIONAL DUTIES; In addition to the above enumerated duties each Officer shall perform such other functions as may be required of them by these By-Laws;
(b) The statutes of the State of New Jersey;
(c) The rules and procedures of the Democratic State Committee; and
(d) The County Committee.


Section 1. STANDING COMMITTEES: There shall be the following Standing Committees of the Salem County Democratic Committee;
a) Registration
b) Political Education
c) Publicity
d) Campaign

Section 2. MEMBERSHIP ON COMMITTEES: Each of the above standing Committees shall consist of;
a) A Chair, appointed by the County Chair at the organization meeting of the County Committee or within four (4) weeks thereafter;

Section 3. REMOVAL FROM COMMITTEES: A vacancy in the
Chair or membership of any of the above standing Committees
may be declared either by a two-thirds vote of the Executive
Committee or upon;
a) That member moving out of the County, or
b) That member non-performance of duties on the Committee, or
c) That member conduct prejudicial to the reputation or the proper functioning of the Democratic Party.

Section 4. DUTIES OF COMMITTEES: The Standing Committees shall have the following duties:
a) Registration Committee; Attend to all matters pertaining to the registration of voters.
b) Campaign Committee: To prepare the Salem County Democratic Platform for all County election campaigns, and to be responsible for the conduct of the campaign and assisting the candidates with their campaign.
c) Political Education: To prepare and develop programs for the assistance and education of candidates, members of the Salem County Democratic Committee and party workers in the effective presentation and implementation of the programs of the Salem County Democratic Committee and to assist them in their understanding of the rights, obligations and techniques provided for by the election laws of the State of New Jersey and to provide such information for the publicity Committee as it deems necessary in keeping Democratic candidates, members of the Salem County Democratic Committee and the public informed on the Democratic Party’s programs and on the election laws of the State of New Jersey.
d) Publicity Committee: Prepare such material as may be helpful in keeping the members of the County Committee and all Democratic candidates informed as to matters of interest to them; handle press and public relations for the County Committee; and assist candidates in developing and publicizing their programs and records.

Section 5. SPECIAL COMMITTEES: The County Chair from time to time may appoint such special committees, for specific purposes, as they may deem advisable.

Section 6. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: All committees shall report at each meeting of the County Committee and at such other times as requested to do so by the County Chair. Any report containing a recommendation for specific action by the County Committee shall be submitted in writing to the County Chair at least (5) days prior to the meeting at which such recommendation is to be considered.


Section 1. RE-ORGANIZATION MEETING: The re-organization meeting of the County Committee shall be held after the Primary Election on Presidential Election years, on the day fixed by statute after election certification, at the time and place designated by the County Chair.

Section 2. SPECIAL MEETINGS: Special meetings may be held at any time upon the call of the County Chair, upon the call of a majority of the Executive Committee, or upon the written request of five (5) percent of the members of the County Committee addressed to the County Chair and the Secretary of the County Committee.

Section 3. QUORUM: Fifteen (15) percent of the elected members of the County Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 4. NOTICES OF MEETINGS: Written notices of meetings setting forth the place, date, hour and agenda of meeting shall be mailed by regular mail by the Secretary to all members as follows:
(a) Re-organization meeting as soon as practicable after the Primary Election Certification;
(b) Special Meeting At least seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting, such notice setting forth the subject matter to be considered at this meeting.


Section 1. CALL TO ORDER; At the hour set in the call for the meeting, if a quorum be present, the County Chair shall call the meeting of the County Committee to order.

Section 2. RE-ORGANIZATION MEETING: At the Re-organization Meeting of the County Committee, held on Presidential Election years on the day provided by statute after election Certification, the order of business shall be as follows:
(a) Salute the Flag;
(b) Adoption of by—laws;
(c) Report of Executive Committee;
(d) Nominations from the floor, if any;
(e) Election of officers;
(f) Appointment of committee chairs by the County Chair;
(g) Other business.

Section 3. OTHER MEETINGS: At all other meetings of the County Committee, the order of business shall be as follows:
a) Salute to Flag;
b) Consideration of minutes of previous meeting;
c) Reports of officers and action thereon, if required;
d) Report of Executive Committee and action thereon, if required;
e) Reports of Standing Committees and action thereon, if required;
f) Reports of special committees and action thereon, if required;
g) Unfinished business, if any;
h) New business, if any.

Section 4. RULES OF ORDER: Unless otherwise provided for in these by-laws or by statute, all business shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.


Section 1. MEMBERSHIP: The Executive Committee shall consist of
the following members;
(a) The Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the Salem County Democratic Committee;
(b) The State Committee Members elected as prescribed by Title 19 of the New Jersey Statutes;
(c) Notwithstanding (a) and (b) herein, one member from each municipality selected by regular democratic clubs where same exist, or if no democratic club, to be selected by County Chairman upon advice of local leaders.

(a) All elected Democrat Salem County Officials.
(b) All elected Democrat NJ State Legislative District 3 Officials or current legislative district(s) comprising Salem County.

Section 3. DUTIES: The Executive Committee shall perform the following duties;
(a) Advise and assist the Chair in the appointment of members of the various Standing Committees and all other committees, in the establishment of general policies in the conduct of election campaigns, in coordinating the activities of all committees and in the enforcement of these by-laws and the decisions of the County Chair;
(b) Call special meetings of the County committee pursuant to Article V, Section 3 of the By-laws;
(c) Present to the County Committee such recommendation as it may, by a majority vote,
(d) deem advisable on any matter;
(e) Act as a Grievance Committee.

Section 5. MEETINGS: The County Chair shall be the presiding officer of the Executive committee and shall call meetings of the Executive Committee at their discretion upon not less than five (5) days’ notice to each committee member.


Section 1. EFFECTIVE DATES: These by-laws shall become effective immediately upon adoption.

Section 2. SUBMISSION OF AMENDMENTS: Any proposed amendment to these by-laws shall be in writing and shall be submitted to the County Chair at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting at which said amendment is to be considered.

Section 3. ADOPTION: An amendment shall be adopted by a two- thirds vote of the elected members of the County Committee present and voting at the meeting at which said amendment is considered. Any amendment so adopted shall be effective immediately, unless the amendment itself provides otherwise.