Primary Election

TUESDAY JUNE 4, 2024 DEADLINE FOR CHANGE OF PARTY AFFILIATION FORMS – WEDNESDAY APRIL 10, 2024 till 4:30 pm (55 Days Before an Election N.J.S.A. 19:23-45)

Notice to “INDEPENDENT” voters:  As of January 1, 2006 voters previously declared as “INDEPENDENT” are by law now classified as “UNAFFILIATED”.  An unaffiliated voter may declare their affiliation with a political party by filing a Declaration of Party Affiliation form. They may vote in the Primary Election. An unaffiliated voter may chose instead to declare affiliation with either the Republican or Democrat Party at the polling place on the day of Primary Election.

Who MUST File:

  • You must file a Declaration of Party Affiliation form if you wish to vote in the Primary Election of a political party other than with which you are currently affiliated.

You DO NOT need to file if:

  • You are currently affiliated with the political party in whose Primary you wish to vote.
  • You have never declared a political party and have never previously voted in a Primary Election, (unaffiliated), you may declare your party affiliation at the polls on Election Day. Your choice of party can then be changed only if you complete a Declaration of Party Affiliation form and file it with this office.

DEADLINE TO REGISTER FOR  PRIMARY ELECTION – TUESDAY MAY 14, 2024 at 9:00 pm (21 days prior to election N.J.S.A 19:31-6)

REQUIREMENTS FOR VOTING IN PRIMARY ELECTIONS (Download Spanish notice here) No voter, except a newly registered voter at the first primary at which he is eligible to vote, or a voter who has not previously voted in a primary election may vote in a primary election of a political party unless he was deemed to be a member of that party on the 55th day next preceding such primary election.

A voter who votes in the primary election of a political party, or who signs and files with the municipal clerk or the county commissioner of registration a declaration that he desires to vote in the primary election of a political party, or who indicates on a voter registration form the voter’s choice of political party affiliation and submits the form to the commissioner of registration of the county wherein the voter resides, to the employees or agents of a public agency, as defined in subsection a. of section 15 of P.L.1974, c.30 (C.19:31-6.3), or a voter registration agency, as defined in subsection a. of section 26 of P.L.1994, c.182 (C.19:31-6.11) or to the Secretary of State, shall be deemed to be a member of that party until the voter signs and files with the municipal clerk or the commissioner of registration a declaration that he desires to vote in the primary election of another political party, at which time he shall be deemed to be a member of such other political party, or that the voter chooses not to be affiliated with any political party.

Any voter who is affiliated with a political party and would like to change their affiliation must file the form no later than fifty-five (55) days prior to the June Primary Election.

*Primary Election Challenger request forms: Deadline for Filing Challenger Appointments Tuesday, May 21, 2024 (second Tuesday preceding election N.J.S.A. 19:7-3)  *under current law the Primary Election is held only for the Republican and Democrat parties. N.J.S.A. 19:5-1

Publication of Notice of Certification for Tabulator System N.J.S.A 19:53A-8
The Salem County Board of Elections announces Certification of the Tabulating System for use in the PRIMARY ELECTION at the Board of Elections Office.

Open for assistance during polling hours at 6:00am through 8pm**** *Election Board:* Dana Mulligan, William R. Higgins, Joan Melino, and Julia Hiles

*Registrars: Shannon Berger 856-935-7510 x8329  and Ravae Loper  856-935-7510 x8328 Espanol 856-935-7510 x8597

Office Location: Salem County Fifth Street Complex 110 Fifth Street, Salem 08079 Sample Ballots are mailed a week prior to the Primary Election, Sample Ballots are also posted in your Polling Place for review.

All Vote By Mail Ballots MUST be delivered to the Election Board office by 8:00pm on Election Day. Vote By Mail ballots will NOT* be accepted at the Polls.

*Official Election Results are released only through the Salem County Clerk’s office. Contact Salem County Clerk Dale Cross 856-935-7510 ext. 8605 for results.*